donderdag 27 mei 2010

no news... nor pics =)

Not too much has happened still. I got a bit moody with Sanford because they made me reapply for my own job in order for me to have an upgrade… It meant I had to write a letter of application, update my CV etc etc. Then on the interview they also told me I had to sign for 2 years or I should stay local hire. So I guess I’m staying until July 2012. 3 years is a long time to be here but I guess it will be good for my CV. After that French speaking country!

At the Dutch embassy school they were excited about that. I’ve gone and observed and next week will teach my first trial lesson there. It is really nice. 10 kindergarten kids who speak Dutch and something else at home and come to the school once a week for 2 hours. I think I’m gonna love being a part of that. I’ve evaluated my other students and written my report cards. They’ve done well and it’s cool to see that I did a good job.

Furthermore we’ve been doing entrance exams at school for next year’s nursery students, some parents really don’t accept that their kid isn’t ready for our programme and should do the exam again next year. It’s pretty weird and some kids are extremely spoiled and stubborn. Nonetheless I have a couple of extremely cute kids who made it through the test and now have to get through the lottery. We tested 61 kids and some 45 have passed the test and there are 15 places. The lottery is the only way locals get into Sanford international school and there is a limited amount of places even now that they’re opening a third nursery class.

We’ve got a long weekend this weekend and after substituting for Saskia I’m going to lake Langano with some friends for the night. I had hoped to see this together with Nele and Karen but things didn’t work out that way so I’m happy to go now and celebrate Alix’s birthday there.

I’m totally into a new game called Ligretto which in America is known as Dutch blitz or peanuts. It is really cool and I will be teaching you all when I get there. ( You can hold Cristina personally responsible for getting me hooked). I even dream about Bilbao and Ghent lately and wake up hungry. Countdown has definitely started.